Monday, November 18, 2013

15 Weeks

What a crazy week this has been! I have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen and celebrating my birthday here and there. I like to celebrate for a few days...but who doesn't? 

I have been craving "man foods" lately. Which is unusual because I normally get teased because I eat "rabbit food". I made a DELICIOUS hamburger with a twisted lemon flavor and smothered it with baked sweet potato curls and roasted beets.

For my birthday, Nate surprised me with my first ultrasound. We went to a place in Fort Myers called Sweet Baby O'Mine and it was a really special experience. Baby V was pretty shy and kept sitting "criss-sross-applesauce" which made me super anxious. I had to keep wiggling and shaking, but I guess my belly is just to comfy. After our time was up, I thought we were getting kicked out with no gender reveal. Instead, they were SUPER nice and sent me to get some food and juice and hopefully Baby V would be energetic and start to move. 

We went to Jason's Deli, not my ideal birthday dinner but it was still yummy, and I also an al natural orange juice to get some sugar in my system. After dinner, we went back to the place and I danced around until I was let back in. As soon as I sat back down and she started the machine, she blurted..."Oh look! It's a boy!" 

A smile tore across my face as our future was revealed to us! What an amazing experience! 

We went home and I was met with a house full of family and friends to surprise me for my birthday, a last minute plan that wound up super delayed because Baby V was a shy one. I couldn't keep the secret, I walked in and proclaimed..."It's a BOY!!!"

We were going to keep it a secret...but me + secrets = failure  :)

(Ironically, our running group is called The =Speedsters=, so this outfit was completely perfect! Thanks to my little sister-in-law)

The next night, we went out and bought our very first outfit for Baby V
(Daddy posing with Baby V's first outfit)

How far along? 15 Weeks :) 
Maternity clothes? mom and I went internet shopping and found a bunch of stuff on Pink Blush <3 What a great website!
Stretch marks? Not yet
Best moment this week: Celebrating my birthday with a surprise 4D Ultrasound from my hubby! It was an amazing experience and we found out Baby V is a BOY!!!!!! We are soooo happy!!!!
Miss anything? Running fast 
Movement: I thought I felt something...but it could easily have been gas ;)
Food cravings: Not really a major craving or anything out of control, but I am finding myself really enjoying man food. Pizza and burgers have been calling my name.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still leery of bananas and sugary fruits
Gender: Baby V is a BOY! We were hoping we would have a boy first :D
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Growing body...does that count
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Did have one major mood session the other day...but other than that...happy
Looking forward to: Buying boy clothes!!!

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